Thursday, 14 July 2016

Hats??? / Klobouky???

Dear readers, today just a short and fun article about hats.

When I was at the craft market with my hats, I have heard many times this phrase in many variations: „I cannot wear a hat, it does not suit me.“

Ladies it is not true! Every woman with a head cover looks like a lady. Not every hat is for every woman, but there is always some hat, that will make you shine. You just need to try some on.

And as a proof, there are photographs taken by a Dutch photographer Hendrik Kerstens, inspired by paintings of Johannes Vermeer. You can check his work here or here.

Have a nice day.

Milí čtenáři, dnes jen krátký a snad zábavný článeček o kloboucích.

Když jsem byla na trzích se svými klobouky, slyšela jsem v mnoha obměnách jednu frázi: „Já nemůžu nosit klobouk, klobouky mi nesluší.“

Dámy, to vůbec není pravda! Každá žena s pokrývkou hlavy se promění v dámu. Ne každý klobouk sluší každé ženě, ale pro každou ženu je někde klobouk, který jí rozzáří. Chce to jen některé vyzkoušet.

A jako důkaz, si můžete prohlédnout fotografie holandského fotografa Hendrika Karstense, inspirované malbami Johannese Vermeera. Jeho práce si můžete prohlédnout třeba tady nebo tady.

Pěkný den.


  1. hilarious!!!! I love your post!

  2. Amazing! I love the plastic bag idea, I wore it before but with no style

  3. I've seen these pictures before but they are always fun to see, the classic vibes combined with bubble plastic and the like is funny :) And I love hats!

  4. my favorite is the first one with kitchen towel , but all images are perfect, LOL

  5. This "art experiment" is really cool! I love how the photos turned :)

  6. yes, those photos are amazing. It is always neat to see a fun idea made with so much skill and talent.
