Sunday, 10 January 2016

Day of silly Walk / Den švihlé chůze

Did you know that 7th January is International Day of Silly Walk? Now you will remember :)

Věděli jste, že 7. leden je Mezinárodním dnem švihlé chůze? Tak teď už si to budete pamatovat :)

The inspiration comes from the famous Monty Python sketch, where John Cleese is silly-walking to his office at the Ministry of silly-walks. The silly walks are organised all over the world and 3rd annual silly walk took place in Beroun this Saturday.

Inspirace pochází z kultovního seriálu Monty Python, kde v jednom skeči John Cleeves švihle odchází do práce na Ministerstvo švihlé chůze. Dny švihlé chůze jsou pořádány po celém světě a již 3. ročník se uskutečnil i v Berouně tuto sobotu.

Even though just few in numbers, participants had load of fun and you can enjoy the photos (full set here). And to have even more fun, bellow is the original Monty Python video.

Účastníci, i když v malém počtu, si užili spoustu legrace a vy se můžete podívat alespoň na fotky (kompletní album je zde). A na konci najdete i originální Monty Python video.

Have a silly Sunday.          Mějte švihlou neděli.


  1. Wow I didn't know there was a day of silly walk!! That's so great! I think the time I watched this by the Monthy Python I was gonna die from laughing

  2. haha! that is a great project! :D
    There's never enough fun in this world!
    Never heard of this march :D
    Now I want to go binge-watch Monty Python :D

  3. Ohhhh, you have to watch Miranda tv show :D
    She walks always funny :) not in a special day of the year! I sometimes to the pony walk because of her!

  4. Yes, the Monty Python forever :)

  5. Oh, I had no idea there is a special day for silly walks, soI missed it! I love the silly walks from Monty Python.

  6. Never heard of it before, I know already that pants are easier for the silly walk than skirts by seeing these pics :))) Looks like fun in a group no matter what day it is :)

  7. Ow, Steph never knew the Silly walk sketch. I'm so jealous, wish I could watch it for the first time again! Still the dead parrot sketch is my absolute fav!
